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KWS™ HCI System Cladding Attachment

Horizontal-Girt Continuous Insulation Attachment Should Be Simple to Design + Easy to Install

Now approved for use with up to 4″ of high-density stone wool (110 series).

The KWS™ award-winning HCI system provides outstanding thermal performance by way of true ci (continuous insulation). As a compliment to the original CI® system, the HCI system enables vertical cladding (and secondary rails) to be installed directly to the HCI-GIRT. This offers easy installation, broad design flexibility, and cost savings, all while still easily meeting North American energy code requirements.

HCI system uses unique ¾” deep horizontal girts – called HCI-GIRT – designed to properly disburse the façade loads over exterior rigid insulation – with only unique thermally isolated fasteners penetrating the thermal barrier thus minimizing thermal bridging. It can be installed over most substrates including steel studs, wood studs, CMU and concrete.

For basic, cost-effective vertical claddings, only a single layer of HCI-GIRT may be needed. For more complex cladding designs or types, choose from a wide variety of KWS™ secondary rails for those panels requiring specific attachment points.

HCI system’s components are produced in standard and custom lengths, in either 16- or 18-gauge Zn-Al-Mg coated steel (standard silver or black PVDF coated) and also available in stainless steel.

HCI system attachment completes the rainscreen envelope design, whether choosing metal panels, aluminum composite material (ACM) panels, fiber cement, GFRC, or many more. And choose any brand of insulation that meets minimum compressive strength and code requirements, simplifying design specifications.

View our frequently asked questions for more information.