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Guide Details

ThermaZee® Cladding Attachment

BIM Models & Details (Revit)

ThermaZee (RVT Zip File)

Horizontal ThermaZee assembly details 

ThermaZee – Horiz. (PDF)  |  ThermaZee – Horiz. (DWG)

Vertical ThermaZee assembly details

ThermaZee – Vert. (PDF)  |  ThermaZee – Vert. (DWG)

CI® System Cladding Attachment

BIM Models & Details (Revit)

CI System (RVT Zip File)

Vertical only CI-Girt® assembly details and vertical CI-Girt® + horizontal rail assembly details

CI System (PDF)  |  CI System (DWG)

*Use with any rigid insulation – foam or high density stone wool

HCI System Cladding Attachment

BIM Models & Details (Revit)

HCI System (RVT Zip File)

Horizontal only HCI-Girt assembly details and horizontal HCI-Girt + vertical rail assembly details 

HCI System (PDF)  |  HCI System (DWG)

Knight HCI System Rainscreen Attachment with Face Fastened Panels
(2 layer system; typically preferred by most panel manufacturers)

HCI 2-Layer F/F (PDF)  |  HCI 2-Layer F/F (DWG)

Knight HCI System Rainscreen Attachment with Face Fastened Panels
(single layer system; limited usage depending upon panel type/manufacturer used)

HCI 1-Layer F/F (PDF)  |  HCI 1-Layer F/F (DWG)

Knight HCI System Rainscreen Attachment with ACM Panels


*Use with any rigid insulation – foam or high density stone wool

MFI® System Cladding Attachment

BIM Models & Details (Revit)

MFI System (RVT Zip File)

Knight Wall Systems S-Series MFI® System Cladding Attachment Assembly Guide Details

Vertical Orientation Guide Details

MFI-S Vert. (PDF)  |  MFI-S Vert. (DWG)

Horizontal Orientation Guide Details

MFI-S Horiz. (PDF)  |  MFI-S Horiz. (DWG)

Knight Wall Systems D-Series MFI® System Cladding Attachment Assembly Guide Details

Vertical Orientation Guide Details

MFI-D Vert. (PDF)  |  MFI-D Vert. (DWG)

Horizontal Orientation Guide Details

MFI-D Horiz. (PDF)  |  MFI-D Horiz. (DWG)

Guide Specifications

ThermaZee® Cladding Attachment

Below you will find performance specifications for the ThermaZee® rainscreen cladding attachment framing assemblies to help expedite the specification writing process. Our products can also be found on SpecLink under section 07 05 43.

These guide specifications include the primary girts (ThermaZee®), associated fasteners and options of including various secondary rails such as PanelRail® or RevealRail. See spec notes included in the guide specification for further information and simply remove references in Part 2 of components not required in the assembly to be specified. Please feel free to contact Knight Wall Systems or a local representative should you have any questions.

Knight Wall Systems ThermaZee® Rainscreen Cladding Attachment Assembly:

CI® System Cladding Attachment

Below you will find performance specifications for the CI® System rainscreen cladding attachment framing assemblies to help expedite the specification writing process. Our products can also be found on SpecLink under section 07 05 43.

These guide specifications include the primary girts (CI-Girt®), associated fasteners and options of including various secondary rails such as PanelRail®, RevealRail or RevealGirt. See spec notes included in the guide specification for further information and simply remove references in Part 2 of components not required in the assembly to be specified. Please feel free to contact Knight Wall Systems or a local representative should you have any questions.

Knight Wall Systems CI® System Rainscreen Cladding Attachment Assembly:

HCI System Cladding Attachment

Below you will find performance specifications for the HCI System rainscreen cladding attachment framing assemblies to help expedite the specification writing process. Our products can also be found on SpecLink under section 07 05 43.

These guide specifications include the primary girts (HCI-Girt), associated fasteners and options of including various secondary rails such as PanelRail®, RevealRail or RevealGirt. See spec notes included in the guide specification for further information and simply remove references in Part 2 of components not required in the assembly to be specified. Please feel free to contact Knight Wall Systems or a local representative should you have any questions.

Knight Wall Systems HCI System Rainscreen Cladding Attachment Assembly:

MFI® System Cladding Attachment

Below you will find performance specifications for all the MFI® System rainscreen attachment framing assemblies to help expedite the specification writing process. Our products can also be found on SpecLink under section 07 05 43.

These guide specifications include the wall brackets (ThermaBracket®), primary rail (S-Rail or D-Rail), associated fasteners and options of including various secondary rails such as PanelRail® or RevealRail. See spec notes included in the guide specification for further information and simply remove references in Part 2 of components not required in the assembly to be specified. Please feel free to contact Knight Wall Systems or a local representative should you have any questions.

Knight Wall Systems S-Series MFI® System (non-adjustable, min. 3/4″ air cavity) Rainscreen Cladding Attachment Assembly:

Knight Wall Systems D-Series MFI® System (shimless adjustability, min. 1.5″ air cavity) Rainscreen Cladding Attachment Assembly:

White Papers

Panel Attachment & The Energy Code:
How To Meet & Exceed the Energy Code with Exterior Mineral Fiber Insulation

One specific and important part of the energy codes currently being implemented calls for an increased performance requirement on exterior wall assemblies, especially with steel- framed walls. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Standard 90.1, which is the basis of nearly all energy codes, has several paths to thermal compliance. However, it must be noted that the overall goal is to increase the wall assemblies’ performance by making it more effective at doing its job – resisting the transfer of thermal energy so the conditioned space requires less work by the HVAC system to maintain desirable conditions.

The emphasis on increased thermal performance for building envelopes has not only led to increased insulation thickness but, more importantly, how the insulation is effectively installed to maximize the investment. Design and construction professionals have struggled with how to achieve the requirements of the energy codes and have settled upon the use of ‘Z’ furring strips (aka “girts”) for a number of years. Now the industry’s designs, means and methods are changing, and where the once-beloved simple ‘Z-girt’ was acceptable, it is now no longer a viable option.

This white paper explains why Z-girts and other traditional means of exterior wall construction no longer conform to code. The root cause along with some solutions and benefits will be presented.


Knight Wall Systems enable owners and designers to easily and efficiently fulfill design demands while meeting the requirements of structural and thermal performance. The single-source solutions for pre-engineered, tested, rainscreen cladding support systems with limited warranties help assure long-lasting performance in the building envelope and increased energy efficiency.

All fasteners must be purchased from Knight Wall Systems for a limited warranty to be issued. If a limited warranty longer than 1 year is desired (to a maximum of 10 years), project specific engineering must be completed by Knight Wall Systems and be incorporated into the products submittal package for the project.

Upon completion of the project, during project closeout procedures, Knight Wall Systems must submit a copy of the full limited warranty for the owner to have on file.

Please contact Knight Wall Systems or your local product representative for applicable terms and conditions.

Installation Instructions

Knight Wall Systems’ installation methods are quick, simple and fast for all KWS rainscreens, with any exterior cladding.

MFI® System Rainscreen Attachment Installation

Note: S-Rails (or D-Rail) can be installed vertically OR horizontally depending on cladding attachment requirements and layout. This video only demonstrates vertical installation.

CI® System Continuous Insulation Rainscreen